Broken Rib Symptoms

  • Bruise on the injured area
  • Severe pain in the broken part or injured area.
  • Painful to breathe deeply, coughing and sneezing coming from the injured area.
  • Painful to touch the injured area especially with a little bet of force apply on it.
  • Painful upper body movements

This is the most common signs and symptoms when you have a broken rib.

Broken Rib Bruise and X-ray
If you have and feel all this broken rib symptoms it would be best to see a doctor as soon as possible for a proper check-up and diagnosis.  A broken rib injury should not be taken slightly, ribs protect the organs in our chest and it helps us to have a proper breathing.

Doctor will normally take an X-ray to see how badly damage you’re broken rib. A severe broken rib is very dangerous it could puncture your lungs and other organs. Severe broken ribs most likely will end up on surgery to fix and cure it. As long the broken rib is not displaced or not out of the position to damage your lungs and other organs you don’t have to worry because on that case doctors will not do a surgery. A broken rib normally will be heal and back to normal in just 6 to 8 weeks with a proper medication and procedures.

On the healing stage it would be best to take a good extra rest, taking regular prescribed medicines and pain killers, avoid doing strenuous activities, and paying a visit to the doctor from time to time.

Basic First Aid : How to Treat a Fracture Rib