Broken Rib Healing Time

It takes time healing a broken rib, lots of patients don’t have a patient for it. Healing a broken rib is a process base on the patient age, overall health and nutrition, and treatment.

The healthier and younger the person the faster his broken rib will be healed. Normally a broken rib will be fully healed around 6-8 weeks with proper medication, treatment and procedures. Older person, 50years old and above will likely to have a much longer healing time it would take 3-4 months or even much longer. The best thing you can do for your broken rib to be healed fast is to eat good nutritious foods and have extra rest. It really takes time for a broken rib to be fully healed and on the process of healing don’t do strenuous activities. After your broken rib are healed and you don’t feel any twinge on the injured area it’s good to visit your doctor for a final check-up so that you can be sure that your broken rib are fully healed and to avoid the risk of re-injuring it again.

Mostly the doctor will give an advice of an extra 1-2 months of no physical contact sports, avoid doing heavy hard work and doing hard workout that involve heavy lifting and using too much strength. Always follow the doctor advice because they always know what’s best for you.